Let’s face it, your profession is probably treating affluent clientele with wonderful smile makeovers, a clientele that respects your skill and expertise in all matters “teeth”. Or you are probably dealing with high value investments, in property, luxury fashion or capital equipment. Or it may be an fast rising eCommerce store that you own. In any case, should your esteemed clients be kept on hold because you are busy with your website, eStore or managing the Facebook page? And can there be any justification for your valuable time that may be required by other departments of your growing company like finance and legal? But just like you, there are many business owners who often find themselves in a time-crunch, rushing into those quick Facebook/Instagram posts, blogs, adwords campaigns and other adverts just to keep their online marketing going… However, if all the efforts are not generating new business since past 6 months, chances are these 3 major search engine marketing mistakes [organic & paid] are probably are to blame.
However if you are too busy in day-to-day business management tasks to rectify them, Aidasinc’s skilled search engine marketing specialists can do it for you, for a small fee. Get the positive results from your campaigns and you may like to signup for 360° integrated performance linked marketing program. It is one commendable plan for long term branding, publicity, lead generation and business growth where you pay only for actual sales results!

1: Improper Keywords Rank Top In
Search Engine Marketing Mistakes
Okay, there may be many articles out there in the sea of search engine marketing do’s and dont’s about keywords and how they have become redundant. To a certain extent, that is correct, in the way that Google now uses a wide number of other signals to rank a website. There’s RankBrain that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning with other advances in search algorithms that necessitate a holistic approach to search engine marketing. Having said that, choosing the right keywords is still very important to dramatically improve performance of your content, your website and all the digital marketing activities in your campaigns.
Need competitive keyword research done for your company?
Aidasinc’s excellent team can do it for you for a small fee. No strings attached, get your team to use these keywords and recommended content strategy to boost your search engine marketing results.
Because generic keywords or their poorer cousins will give you lots of traffic, but these may not convert into as many leads as other businesses in your industry.
2: Important Website Integrations As Power Boosters
Did you know, there are new integrations possible in your Google account that can help you tap new business opportunities in your industry and profession? Tools like Google tag manger, re-marketing to custom audiences, Adwords integrations with YouTube network that can help you in effective use of webisodes, interactive videos and video ad films; and more. Then there are a host of local search marketing tools like Google My Business and Bing Places that are an important part of the whole search engine marketing experience. These are the tools that help you target only those who matter to your business. And by doing that your website receives high quality search traffic that further boosts conversions. What more, nowadays, search engines are capable of gathering data that is more precise, personal and that apply that to help improve your campaign results.
3: Google Analytics – Why Every Business Must Use This
All said and done, if your website and social media marketing campaigns are not using Google Analytics or a similar tool, your business is loosing out on huge opportunities. And as someone rightly said, what cannot be measured cannot be improved.
Want help with Google Analytics integration?
If this is too technical for you, Aidasinc can help set it up for a small fee. No strings attached, your team can then use this awesome tool to further boost your search engine marketing results.
At Aidasinc, the team uses around 50 features on Google Analytics dashboards across the various search engine and social media marketing campaigns that it manages, and almost on a daily basis. Here are some of the most important and useful ones for a quick look.
- Secondary dimensions for advanced drill-down and more insights
- Setting up the filters feature to get better grip of the reports
- Using the goals feature to track the most objectives for your business
- Campaign tracking to attribute results from paid outreach programs
- Content groupings for larger sites for better, smarter performance
- Flow visualization helps view every step visitors take on a website
- Real time reporting to monitor shorter campaigns and verify tracking codes
What Contributes To Best Search Engine Marketing
Being in the business of search engine marketing, social media marketing, integrated communications, content development and demand generation since 2008; and for clients from multiple industries and across multiple time zones, at Aidasinc we bet on this one thing for best results – Ongoing Commitment.
And that applies to all businesses that want to get daily flow of inbound customers. Search engine marketing cannot be a one-time investment in website optimization and leaving it at that. It is an ongoing effort by your team or a marketing agency that requires time and patience to build a grip on search engines. Once set, you can expect it to drive in valuable business opportunities and loyal customers for a lifetime.
There is a lot more to search marketing than can be listed in one article, but this endeavor is to highlight its importance to every independent professional, startup, entrepreneur and business owner. Feel free to share any errors that you may notice in this post and we will take all efforts to rectify them at the earliest.
Need help with your search engine marketing results?
Get expert assistance for technical compliance, step-by-step guidance or critical integrations.
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