Do you have an online grocery store or are you in the FMCG retail business and planning to go online soon? If yes, then this post on best social media advertising for E-Groceries will help you in marketing strategy to grow your sales faster.

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Comparatively, the online market in India for groceries and fast moving goods is likely to exceed Rs. 1.75 trillion or US$ 28 billion by 2020 says a Crisil report.
In other words, millions of households and billions of people across the globe are expected to start buying their daily essentials from leading online supermarkets and niche stores. Imagine the best in line of assured quality of fruits, vegetables, grocery, staples, beverages and other branded food products are directly to reach end users from warehouses!
So how do best social media advertising advantages add more punch to this industry and what types of social media advertising are best for this melee?
Social Media Advertising Effectiveness
Before I connect with the effectiveness of social media advertising, let me pull in some statistics related to social media reach by country.

Now let’s consider some facts from Global Digital Report 2018:
[su_list icon=”icon: angle-double-right” icon_color=”#717171″]
- Worldwide internet users – 4.021 billion
- Global social media users – 3.196 billion
- Total mobile phone users- 5.135 billion
With a media that can reach billions of people on their smartphones, one can only agree that social media advertising should is a “must have” part of any online store marketing plan. And getting into the social media advertising costs, on Facebook it is on an average under US$8 per thousand impressions (CPM).
Whats Most Economical Strategy To Advertise On Social Media?
Any comprehensive social media marketing strategy, across top social networking channels, can run into a couple of thousand dollars per month. However, returns in terms of business generated can vary, depending on factors like your industry, competition, target buyer demographics, brand positioning, product ~ service reviews and many others.
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Best Social Media Advertising Examples
Okay, that is all data. And many of you must be wondering whether social media marketing actually helps generate business? So we have pulled in some examples of real brands and how social media is working for them.
[su_divider top=”no” text=”1 – ASDA” style=”dotted” divider_color=”#f2f2f2″]
ASDA – Sometime back we had done a review of this leading British supermarket retailer. It’s online grocery store – – attracts nearly 6 million visitors per month, i.e. a whopping 70 Million visitors and an amazing 700 Million page views a year. Latest update, is now receiving close to 82 Million visitors every year. So let’s dive into their social media strategy and see some numbers…
On maintains a strong social media presence on this micro-blogging site with over 450 thousand followers. Since it started tweeting in February 2009, the ASDA marketing team has posted over 6,000 photos and videos.
With 1,956,484 fans, a daily average post length of 300+ words ASDA’s updates, mixing 67% photos, 25% videos and upto 13% textual matter…. ASDA’s business page has a 2% engagement level.
ASDA is also actively engaging audiences on YouTube [ 23,116 subscribers ], Instagram [ 164k followers ] and Pinterest [ 9,618 followers ] among its other social media marketing activities.
With this data available, a quick analysis of its website traffic highlights that 2% of inbound visitors are being generated from social media and other referral sites. This is apart from the amazing branding the company gains from the millions of fans and followers it reaches each day!
[su_divider top=”no” text=”2 – BigBasket” style=”dotted” divider_color=”#f2f2f2″]
Compare that with one of the leading online grocers in India,
With high decibel, multi-channel and starry advertising and marketing presence, this is one competitor you can benchmark on. A recent entrant to the online retail industry, BigBasket around 2 millions visitors every month, i.e. a good 24 million annual traffic to its store. So let’s dive into their social media strategy and see some numbers…

BigBasket is active on Instagram [ 7,173 followers ], Twitter [ 25.9k followers ] and Google+ [ 3,047 followers ] among its other social media marketing activities.
With this data available, again a quick analysis of its website traffic highlights that approximately 2% of inbound visitors are being generated from social media and other referral sites.
[su_divider top=”no” text=”2 – BigBasket” style=”dotted” divider_color=”#f2f2f2″]
Branding By Social Media Advertising:
Helps Boosts Sales
Well planned social media marketing delivers not just traffic to your online store, it works in many ways to boost your online reputation and goodwill. Because your target audiences, your target buyers won’t simply click into your eStore… they are going to seek recommendations and check brand reviews before making a purchase decision.
Shoppers will spend time, almost 85% of them, to check on what others are saying about your online store, your brand and your activities on social media networks. They are going to seek coupons, follow social influencers, participate in online surveys, read up blogs and articles before switching from their existing retail outlets.
Hence for your online retail outlet, you will require a well planned Digital Marketing Plan to tap into the wide range of social networks, e-commerce related shopper activities to reach out to the best of your target audiences.
New Social Media Marketing On
Variable, Pay Per Sale Model…
With new social media marketing and advertising opportunities being introduced in the highly lucrative digital marketing industry, it is time your company moves ahead of the curve. It is time to take the increasing competition head on, and withstand the onslaught of international eCommerce Stores with a enviable social media marketing plan that is guaranteed to generate results. And you needn’t worry about online visibility, customer acquisition strategy, creative media, digital outreach to build market share and revenue across your target regions. Neither do you worry about the budgets, the execution and related supervisory tasks; as you pay only for the actual business results that you want.
Need to know more?
Contact us for details and an action plan for your business.
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