Are you worried why there are no likes and sharing for your blog? Moreover, is there a considerably reduced traffic to your website and no sign of lead generation? Here are four blog mistakes and reasons why people don’t read certain blogs.
No Creativity and Uniqueness

Most of the time you just choose to read a blog because you are pulled in by the headline. You build a thought somewhere in our mind that from this blog you will learn something new. Such catchy headlines or thoughts are great sources of lead generation. Similarly people need facts and ideas to enhance their creativity and work. They need articles that can wow them or at-least solve their problems.
Basically rehashed ideas from another article will make a reader lose faith in the writer. So come up with your unique ideas for blogs and suggestions, offer something to your readers. Many lead generation companies focus on specific audiences by giving something unique to them – unique and interesting blogs, facts or some tips that can address their problems.
For Lead Generation Shun Website Clutter

Sometimes clutter and colourful items with too much stuff all over the page on the site overtake the quality information you provide. This also distracts one’s eyes from the article he is trying to read. Your customer’s eyes are constantly drifted to monotonous colours or ads that change often. This causes a person to rush through reading things.
In contrast, clean blog layouts are almost comforting to focus. Easy-to-read, informational blogs with unique content will cause your audience to return to you and serve as great sources of lead generation. Though blogs need to make money with ads sprinkled throughout the site, it’s good to make your ads less distracting. Choose ads wisely with proper colours scheme.
Proper Font-size and Colour
Sometimes text is so small that you have to constantly work to read by scrolling up and down and side-to-side which is very irritating and often pushes readers away.
Another issue is, people choosing fancy fonts that look really nice, but are often difficult to read Better use universal fonts that work on all browsers and are known to be very readable on the Web. Also, think about the background colour of your site versus the colour of your font.
Strong Headlines and Relevant Images
Just imagine a blog with many paragraphs, no headlines, nothing to break up the paragraphs. Sounds difficult enough! These are the prime culprits to hamper lead generation.
Headlines are really important as they have multiple purposes for the reader – they make the direction of the article clear and can interest a possible reader. Many lead generation companies encourage content development that includes strong headlines and supporting images. Moreover, they create a spot in the memory of a reader’s mind to maximise lead generation.
The above are few tactics that many lead generation companies practise to deliver the highest traffic and leads to their clients. To know more about driving quality traffic to your site contact the specialists at: