You are a motor biking fan and love to travel on uncharted routes. You have a passion to circumnavigate the unknown expanses of this earth. And you want to follow your passion but need a job to fund your hobby. So what are the best options for you?

Fashion Biking – Un-think 9~5 Jobs
It’s not only motor bikers who want to look fashionable while biking, it’s also the amateur enthusiasts and new aspirants who want to look stylish. And there are a large number of people who want authentic and fashionable gear recommended by professionals like you. So who should an aspiring motor biker or bike aficionado turn up to?
You can be the go-to person and on the way sell some motor biking gear too! Join The Workshop.

Top 15 Reasons to Join this Online Workshop:
The affordable workshops is designed for individuals, solo-preneurs, entrepreneurs and business owners to idea-ate on new concepts that can help grow their careers. It is a forum to spur your imagination on new life goals and can encourage you will practical methods. Least to mention, these workshops are a great way to acquire hands-on skills in the shorted amount of time… in a safe situation. And here are the other 15 reasons.
- It’s affordable, not more than $10 for a half day workshop
- It’s great time to brainstorm on new ideas in your domain
- You’ll learn new strategies that can add value to your resume
- You can discuss challenges and hurdles with digital experts
- You get to collaborate with other people who are like you
- Team games during the workshop enable increased creativity
- Get to know how other participants face their career challenges
- Practice work from the workshop will help get started quickly
- Learn research based strategic techniques to grow your career
- Experienced workshop facilitator to help you analyse startup needs
- Get practical advice that you can use right away!
- You can network and collaborate with a lot of great, like-minded people!
- Realize your true potential with more “A-Ha’s” than you ever thought off
- This workshop is not for “learning” but for “ideating” new techniques
- Best part, get strategic plan to grow customers without advertising
The last point is most important,
This affordable workshop help you get a strategic plan to grow your customers without advertising.
Why fewer job openings should not bother you
There is hype that automation and robots will fast replace many human jobs across the globe. And some of you may have already experienced such situations in fields of manufacturing, medicinal research, information technologies and farming.
Though the situation may not be as grim as fewer jobs, it’s best to keep doors open to an alternative dream job, one where you are your own boss and are creating new job opportunities for others.
As a study report by World Economic Forum states, and we quote,
By 2022, today’s newly emerging occupations are set to grow from 16% to 27% of the employee base of large firms globally, while job roles currently affected by technological obsolescence are set to decrease from 31% to 21%. In purely quantitative terms, 75 million current job roles may be displaced by the shift in the division of labour between humans, machines and algorithms, while 133 million new job roles may emerge at the same time.
The same study cites occupations like Data Analysts, Software and Applications Developers and E-commerce and Social Media Specialists being in demand as they are spurred by the use of technology. However, also expected to grow are job roles based on distinctively ‘human’ traits, such as Customer Service Workers, Sales and Marketing Professionals, Training and Development, People and Culture, and Organizational Development Specialists as well as Innovation Managers. Source: Future of Jobs Report, 2018

How to replace in-experience with higher pay-scale
While you are searching for that dream job, it is a good idea to fill the gaps in your resume. Some real-time, hands-on, work experience will bolster your resume. And what could be better idea than learning to run a business in your field of study or interest?
Armed with a resume, that has the right industry skills and is enforced with startup business leaderships skills will undoubtedly boost your profile. And on the way, you will not only gain invaluable experience, but also build a personal asset for years to come.
So why allow a future with no job while you can build a future with your own company? And that too without spending money on infrastructure or advertising.
Want to learn more?
Register for the affordable startup series. Get more information right in your (click here) WhatsApp screen.
Like fashion biking? Think what you’ll be sporting the next time out. And think the unlimited career/wealth generation opportunities with eCommerce that can supplement your passion. And,
Un-think 9-5 jobs.
Affordable workshops for startup ideas with digital marketing guidance and support… get more information right on your: WhatsApp Screen
See more:
- Top 15 reasons why register for this workshop
- Why fewer job openings should not bother you
- How to replace in-experience with higher pay-scale