We all know about the age-old tussle in conference rooms on who’s supreme, the marketing team or the sales team. While many agree that sales needs good marketing strategies to generate qualified leads, marketing needs good sales teams to close them fast and generate revenue to fund new lead generation campaigns. And today we see a new tussle, especially in SMB sales and marketing departments, on need for increasing investments in digital marketing types using artificial intelligence. Where sales teams want to automate the entire marketing process such that they generate more than enough leads, ready to buy… marketing teams are keen on devising strategies and AI driven sales funnels where conversions can take place with least involvement of the sales team. As a business owner, automating the whole sales and marketing process could also mean increase profit margins… isn’t it?

Digital Marketing Types: AI or Traditional
As a business owner, you would be having some of the best marketing and sales people in your team. And probably with years of experience in your industry, your company may not be feeling the heat of competitive forces, yet. But in this hyper competitive world, where even governments of developed nations as well as behemoths like Google are facing competitive pressures, can your business stay unaffected for long?
If your business isn’t like one of the dream businesses mentioned above, then its time to add smart AI digital marketing types to your business plans. See the link above to an earlier blog post where we had covered how AI could help grow your business.

How Does Traditional Digital Marketing Work
As we discussed in the earlier post, smart businesses are using AI in manufacturing, talent acquisition, space research, healthcare, finance and governance. And one can safely assume that many are using AI in their daily business routines, and unaware of it.
So let us take a five examples of traditional digital marketing activities that will illustrate where AI types can help improve results.
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[su_list icon=”icon: caret-right”]
Qualifying leads
Competition tracking
Search engine optimization (seo)
Pay per click advertising (ppc)
User engagement metrics
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[su_list icon=”icon: caret-right”]
Using manual processes
With spreadsheet data
Old HTML pages
Using static ads
Separate channels
Using AI in marketing helps businesses, both small and large, to automate repetitive processes and get faster, better results. It also helps business owners get more clarity about its competitors’ customers and new customer segments. With machine learning, businesses can now improve results with lead scoring, personalized content marketing and marketing automation.
Free To Start Marketing Using AI
With years of experience in all digital marketing types, right from traditional campaigns to AI driven campaigns, we at Aidasinc believe that every business must upgrade. Every business must tap the power of AI to generate better quality leads and convert more prospects to customers.
However, getting this done in-house can be a challenge for business owners as it requires time, resources and top management focus. And this means taking out time from core areas of the business like production, procurement, finance and customer relationship building.
At Aidasinc, we understand this challenge and hence offer the free to start, pay after sales, digital marketing service for SMBs in India and abroad. This performance marketing helps connect your brand with audiences actively seeking your products/services to generate positive leads that your sales can convert faster.
To learn more, see this link on free to start, pay after sales, digital marketing service.