With their latest updates in algorithms, Google has initiated an aggressive attack against black and grey hat SEO tactics. Many considered this as an attempt to kill the SEO industry; however we believe this is in no means the end of the good SEO or the industry.

Staying Alive With Genuine SEO Strategies
To stay alive on organic search engine results, your SEO will have to do something more that just keywords, link building and tag optimization. To stay in the hunt, you got to keep search engine bots as well as your target audiences interested. How do you do this?

Start With Engaging Content
The most important thing is to make your website more engaging. Instead of focusing on keywords, companies now have to use engaging content such as articles, how-to-videos, info-graph, presentations and related stuff.
For people are not searching for information on web. They are looking for best possible solutions to their problems. Hence, providing solutions oriented content, instead of mere information, is a good way of staying alive; online.

Start Talking Online – Social Branding Helps
Gone are the days of sending plain messages. Now is the time to start conversations. Instead of broadcasting a plain message you need to start conversations with people and exploit the unknown business opportunities. For customers now know a lot more and are smarter than ever before; so listening to them has become a must to do thing.
Potential buyers will pay you a visit only when they find your content interesting or when they hear about you in some referral media. Therefore, it’s important for businesses to start talking on the internet. Engaging proactively in discussions and usage of multiple platforms will only help people to get to know you better.

Use Responsive Web to Boost SEO
Using desktops to search online used to be trendy. But people are now accessing the internet from their smart phones and multi screen tablet devices. Needless to say, your website should follow suit and get itself updated to be accessible easily on such portable devices.
Avoid Restrictive SEO Practices
One of the preeminent thing to do is to make your SEO strategy more inclusive and wider. Restricting the scope will surely kill the SEO. As the digital world evolves every single day, keeping your website and online properties updated has become mandatory. Else, you may remain miles behind without even realizing it!
There was a time when grey and black hat tactics would serve the purpose. However, as Google and other search engines realize this folly, they have increased the benchmarking parameters. So, not indulging in such activities is a great way of keeping your SEO alive.
And then there is no alternative to quality content. So do not rely on keywords, but use authentic and rich content that people will like and remember for some time.
In conclusion, by adjusting with time and introducing new activities, your SEO as well as the industry can stay alive.