Triggered by a research report from Stanford, on how employee productivity saw a boost when working from home, this post explores 2 “SMART” tactics businesses are using to stay ahead of competitors. One is work from home facility to employees and the other is outsourcing SEM (read search engine marketing) on performance linked model. Yes, these are two unrelated terms, yet they find a common link to boosting business productivity, and some of the leading SMBs across the globe have already adopted them, profitably.
A. Work From Home –
Productivity Booster
Giving employees the option to work from home is one of the smart initiatives businesses have taken to boost productivity. And with a millennial population joining job market, this is surely a perk many businesses would like to consider. So listed here are some reasons why your employees will love the idea!
“We found massive, massive improvement in performance — a 13% improvement in performance from people working at home.”
– Nicholas Bloom, Professor, Stanford Graduate School of Business.

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- The option to avoid rush hours for 6-7 hours a week
- Those finicky about restrooms love the idea of using their own
- Health conscious employees love the idea of home cooked lunches
- Health freaks also love the idea of taking quick exercise breaks during the day
- Easy project management tools like Trello (we love it) make life flexible
- Video chat/conferencing tools aid in virtual collaboration, anytime
Oh yes, for every upside there is a downside. There would be some employees in every company who would prefer to work from the office, maybe because their home environments are simply to chaotic to put some effort. But there would be many others who would find a WFH role more effective and productive, than their peers who prefered to work from their cubicles. And at the end, it certainly depends on how one manages the situation given the whole list of advantages listed here.
Professor Nicholas Bloom also found that resignations at the company dropped by 50% when employees were allowed to work from home. This benefited managers as they were required to spend less of their time painfully advertising, recruiting, training, and promoting.
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- Easy accountability and visibility monitoring using project management tools
- Relieves managers from micro-managing their subordinates and focusing on results
- Saves tonnes of money on office space rentals and other operational expenses
- Factoring in possible abuse of the facility by creating clear KPIs and reporting systems
- Giving option of working at office location or replacing unproductive staff
- Hiring the best talent that could be coming from anyplace in the region
Of-course, there are exceptions as certain tasks require physical presence of the team members, or maybe they are very location specific. But the fact of the matter is that this trend is fast catching up… like these 76 companies.
B. Outsourced SEM –
Businesses Booster
If you take a close look at some of the biggest companies in any industry, you may notice that the ones more popular online have SEM as an important part of their overall marketing strategy. And it’s not just the PPC (pay per click) marketing that is getting them this popularity, it is the effective use of organic search engine marketing that is helping boost their bottom-lines. A closer look into their overall marketing spend may throw more light on how they are spending less on traditional marketing activities and increasing focus on SEM.
For those new to SEM / Search Engine Marketing, it is the technique of generating high visibility on search engines to drive traffic to a business website. SEM can be organic search ranking, paid search ranking or contextual advertising. And SEM is one sure way to increase online visibility, brand awareness, to sell products and services from an online store, or to generate high quality leads and increase sales.
Performance Linked SEM, Pay Per Customer Acquired
Tap the growing business generation opportunities from this “SMART” tactic and stay ahead of competitors. The best part of SEM @Aidasinc is you needn’t,
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- worry about managing employees, in-house or remote
- stress company resources in learning and managing activities
- invest valuable management time on hiring and training teams
- roll out integrated marketing communications
- increase ad budgets or spend on escalating team costs
- fret over content development, optimization, split testing, analytics
- worry of interference with current website or social media accounts
- worry for Google penalties, algo changes or related stuff
As you pay for actual results that you want.
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