Green tea has its many benefits. It’s high anti-oxidant content and assistance towards weight loss, creating new buyers across the globe, even as I write. Add to that the other benefits of green tea, like reduced risk of stroke, depression and diabetes… the demand for green tea will keep growing. On this note, for people looking for small business ideas, or local businesses, or targeting affiliate income from people on amazon shopping or other such ecommerce platforms… I continue with my earlier posts (Parts I II III IV) on – How to sell green tea online even if you do not have a marketing budget. And today I will start sharing green tea marketing strategy for the third critical pillar – social media. Readers are to keep in mind, that these posts can be used as go to marketing strategy by anyone starting a small business, or already having a brick and mortar local business. I will surely be adding marketing strategies for other product categories for respective small businesses, so more people can take advantage of the organic digital marketing media.

Green Tea – Best Among Small Business Ideas For Local Businesses
Yes, if you are looking for small business ideas or are interested in local businesses that can supplement your business income… starting a green tea store can be counted among one of the best ideas. And today, you needn’t invest any money, simply start an affiliate store targeting people using Amazon Shopping or as I mentioned earlier, any other ecommerce platform. And there you go – a ready market for all kinds of green teas. But you will require a good marketing strategy to make your business stand out in the crowd, and here Aidasinc’s digital marketing service can help in a big way.
So turning back to today’s topic – Budget Free Social Media Marketing (SMM) Strategy For Green Tea Stores.

Social Media Marketing Strategy For Green Tea Businesses
The first pillar of your green tea marketing strategy is your website – I shared the strategy to get your website ready in the 1st part of this blog series. The second pillar being search engine marketing – That I discussed in the 2nd – 3rd – 4th parts of this series. And social media marketing is the third critical part to directly connect with your target audiences and engage them with your business to generate sales.
This will require your attention to a number of aspects – Like content development, publishing schedule, tracking responses and responding in a timely manner, analyzing the results on your website analytics tracking dashboards or CRMs, and managing social media advertisements, if you have the budget.
Aidasinc’s free start plan offers to ease out most of the above efforts from your plate – See details.
But if you wish to do it yourself, here is the strategic action plan for your reference.
How to grow green tea business using social media marketing – Best strategy for a budget free start.
- Which social media networks are suitable for green tea store marketing?
There are many social media sites to consider – all having their unique advantages. However, for your green tea business, it will be better to target platforms that offer the largest reach in terms of users. So I am listing here the top 5 social media networks to build your business presence.a. Facebook – Approximately 2.78 billion active users – More popular with middle aged users.
b. Youtube – Approximately 2.2 billion active users – Popular with wide demography.
c. Whatsapp – A Facebook brand, approximately 2.0 billion active users
d. Instagram- A Facebook brand, approximately 1.2 billion active users- More popular with young users.
e. Pinterest – Popular with people interested in cooking, DIY projects, design, vacations and mostly women.
Start creating brand account pages on these sites. And integrate them with your website using guidelines available on the respective sites. This is important to generate the maximum performance from your brand account pages.
* as on January 2021 - What goal should you aim for from your social media marketing?
For every green tea store, the primary goal will be – Sales. However, to stand apart from other local businesses in your locality, it is important to re-think – “Just Sales” – as the main goal. Consider the following goals that you can have for your business… and shortlist the top couple of objectives you deem as most critical for your store.
a. Creating brand awareness
b. Driving up website traffic
c. Enhancing monthly membership signups or sales
d. Boosting referral community for your business
e. Generating walk-ins through events, contests, etc.
Here, keeping your objective to reach and engage your target audiences with your business or brand can be a more important goal. This will enable your social media marketing efforts to build an online community of fans and followers. And that will serve as a major differentiating factor for your brand, apart from driving in traffic to your website and generating sales.
To be continued in the next post…
SMM For Targeting Amazon Shoppers – Boost For Small Businesses
While I prepare the next post to continue this topic for readers here, it is important to mention that SMM is one of the top strategies for all major brands. And the best part is, SMM can be done completely – Budget Free. Especially for startups and small businesses looking to target Amazon Shoppers for affiliate revenue.
However, I have noticed during the years of working in digital marketing industry, many business marketing strategies fail to capitalize on this awesome opportunity. Here, their Social media marketing activities, text updates to image posts to videos and gifs, are excellent in engagement. But they do not transform into desired website traffic and sales.
Creative optimization of SMM is important to make your brand pages work for maximum results. Here, Aidasinc’s free to start digital marketing service, offers the best option for busy entrepreneurs like yourself. An awesome plan wherein you need not investment to start seeing marketing results you desire for your business… and can pay only for agency team performance – After Results. To learn more about this plan, see Free Marketing Plan.