Social media is a powerful platform to engage guests. It aids to portray speciality and unique factors about your hotel, entice your guests and charge them up to plan their next vacation at your property. Social media is meant to take your resort to the next level, if employed… It is a must do media to increase website traffic and generate qualified inquiries.
Listed here are few social media marketing techniques that will bring uniquity, help amplify your bookings and encourage exponential growth of your business.
1. Know Thy Guests
Before guests book a hotel or resort they probably do some research to settle in on the right property. Through Facebook, Instagram, Tripadvisor or Twitter you have the ability to impress your guests perception about your hotel or resort. Determine what to offer, what types of guests you want to cater, analyze if they are visiting you for business or recreation, are they single or with family, and so on… The tone you set once will be used across all social media platforms. Encourage guests to “like or tweet” you on Facebook or Twitter. Reward them with discounts on products and services. Ask them to post a review on Tripadvisor and more…
2. Explore Facebook Marketing

Facebook is one of the best places where people share their pre-vacation and post-vacation insights. We did a short campaign for a resort property near Mumbai and got huge response… You too can grab the opportunity to engage audiences on how your hotel/resort could spice-up their trip. Stimulate your customers with awesome pictures of your hotels, contests and links to your page. Create a beautiful Facebook Page to get new customers and re-engage former ones by-
- Choose an awesome Cover Photo
- Showcase as many candid pictures as possible
- Throw Special offers or promotions or contests
3. Increase Website Traffic with Instagram
On its own, Instagram is a powerful marketing tool and has delivered proven results. And remember, hashtags are a key component of using Instagram

- Trending hash tags:
Hash tags can be used to increase awareness of your hotel/resort. Special online promotions like engaging a reputed event planner to organize weddings with exclusive features will encourage guests to prefer your property over others.
- Niche hashtags:
If you need to get specific crowd base excited, use location specific tags such as #constancehotels #lémuria #seychelles #indianocean#beach #sea #coastline #sunshine #wintersun#beachbliss (from above example). So if a person wishes to plan for a specific location, he will search for those location-based hashtags. This gives you a great opportunity to showcase your hotel and resort to them.
- Contest hashtags:
A Photo contest heartens guests to display how they are enjoying your hotel, amenities and the city they are visiting. Encourage guests to take snaps and share in their social circle. Offer them incentives for the same.
4. Employ Tripadvisor For Sales Boost
Tripadvisor helps the travels to determine where to go, what sites to visit and so on. It also gives them a chance to share their thoughts and opinions to their connections regarding travel products.

It helps the guests to provide impartial reviews about your hotel, upload pictures, vote up or down or rank your resort.
Guests are able to search through a list of popular destinations or pick their own. Hotel type can be narrowed down by special offers, categories, packages, specialty, etc.
So, figure out what your niche and top in it in the list. Although it’s not possible to top of all list of all of the hotels but you can be in certain categories.
p style=”text-align: justify;”>So, if you need to make the utmost use of Social Media Marketing (SMM) to increase website traffic, hire an internet marketing agency to help you extract maximum returns…