The largest traditional media companies are fast undergoing a transformation into #digitalmarketing media. Nothing new about this, except that it makes such transformation mandatory for smaller businesses, and fast. Allow me to highlight why small businesses must undertake this transformation.

7 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Must For SMEs
- The number of customer touch-points are growing.
- Disparate points of sales like mobile, web, app, social, video are becoming increasingly commonplace.
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence are fasting transforming the basic ethos of marketing.
- To prove the value of a brand, it is becoming impossible to ignore the value of its digital properties.
- Marketing is becoming increasingly dependent on real time customer insights to respond for positive impact.
- Mass marketing is transforming into mass engagement with micro-focused and dynamic techniques.
- As audiences are getting increasingly fragmented, all brands and companies must find new avenues to grow.
I believe, there is more to add to the above list. However, that is not the point. The point is, as a small business owner, if you are directly or indirectly in competition with the larger companies in your industry, ignoring the digital marketing media can be your Achilles heal.
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