Ux (user experience) has grabbed worldwide web design interest since 2015. And there has been frenetic pursuit in the website design industry since. But have you ever thought what will be the future of web designing?
What features would web design companies differentiate themselves with in the future?
If not, then have a look at these future technologies which are set to making the web experience of tomorrow much better than today.

Failure Mapping Technology for Web Design Companies
Ux web designs rely on journey maps and user flows to understand the user’s touch points while interacting with your service or products. These designs require a basic framework for performing so. Such platforms are being designed while keeping the ideal users in mind.
At AiDASiNC, we are expecting over half the world’s population to be online by 2017. So there will be more non-technical people using the web by then?
Hence developers are focusing on such non-ideal users, like the elderly, who might face difficulties using normal designs. There is a need for special designs for such users. So failure mapping technology will let Ux designers have better understanding of what measures to take to improve models for such users.
Haptic Feedback Technology
Haptic feedback technology makes use of the sense of touch in a user interface. The touch sense provides a tactile feedback when the user touches any individual key on the user interface.
This technology has grown more sophisticated with the propagation of high-end mobile devices. And is set to become even more complex by 2017… given the decreasing cost of electro-active polymer actuators (EAPs).
There are new and exciting conversion oriented concepts that are being worked on as we speak. Like the creation of a sequence of pulses and vibrations while the user is browsing a particular product page that in turn guides the user towards the ‘purchase now’ button.
“Design is thinking made visual.”
–Saul Bass
Commercial AI Networks
Artificial intelligence is no more the stuff of science fiction. Many virtual assistance and practical AI’s are in the process of being developed. You must have heard of some of them, like Google Now, Siri by Apple, Alexa, Cortana, M, Clara, Jibo, S voice and Amy to name a few.
These personal and intelligent digital assistants are becoming a part of our life. Every second mobile user has a smartphone which has at least one of these mentioned AI’s. Simple activities used by mobile users like scheduling remainders, setting alarms, finding solutions for queries or something else is controlled by such AI assistants.
So web design companies must work at incorporating these technologies in their design process. Designers will have to maintain a relationship between AI’s and rather creating competition between them.
Age Responsive Web Designs
The adaptability of website depends on its responsive design. The design should mold itself according to the user profile. The idea behind such profile and age responsive designs is quite simple.
An 8 year old child won’t access the same kind of content as an 80 year old person will, and vice-versa.

As website designers are reformatting their skills and their design orientations, digital adaptation is gradually creeping into every age. And AI driven website Ux is not far behind.
So if you are wondering, what website design will best suit your company. Our suggestion is, think Ux, think age profiles, think about other user demographics. They will make a huge difference on what you get back in terms of your website’s success.